Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Expectations hurt, Always (almost)!

I’ll put it straight to you, my reader…the less you expect, the happier you can and will be in life. Expectations always hurt, ultimately… I don’t know the wise guy who said this real truth about life but trust me, it’s the real deal. Trust me, if you can live and give without expecting, it doesn’t matter whether you expect big or small, you can be happy in life. Hell you can be happy in death. But if you are expecting anything, dude you are carrying with you a tool, a source for constant disappointment in life.

Where there are no expectations, lies the true joy of receiving. It is where the true joy of giving is accepted. A man’s expectation will grow as big as his greed. It will always be hungry; hungry for bigger and better things. If you breed expectations within you, until the day you consume yourself, until the day you lose yourself it will continue to grow in you.  Your expectations will blind you eventually. Or maybe it already has. But it is not impossible to break away from expectations.

How does expectations are born? Where do they originate from? Every expectation, whether big or small, originates from greed. When you are not happy with what you have, when you are unsatisfied with what belongs to you, you begin to wish for more. But wishing for stuff isn’t all that bad. I can wish I had a car, I can wish I had a mansion; I can wish I was famous. But once there is even the smallest probability that these wishes can become true, and when you realize that, greed begins to take over. It is okay to wish. But your wishes can turn into greedy expectations at the slightest sight of those wishes becoming true.

So then does that mean one should not expect anything in life? No. Without expectation, there is no hope. Without hope there is no future. We should expect blessings and not gifts, we should expect friends who will support us and not favors from friends; we should expect our victory and not the failure of others. We should expect good things and positive results, provided, we have put in the adequate effort towards it. Expectation backed up by hard work and constant efforts spreads confidence. Expectation in the absence of hard work and efforts breads greed and negativity. Positive expectation rooted on your hard work directs you towards success and backs up your ambition and motivates you every step of the way. Whereas negative expectation rooted on your greed drives you on the highway to failure and ultimately being a sore loser.

You know what they say about life – “You get what you give”. So always be the one to spread the goodness, spread a smile. What does it cost you? And eventually happiness will follow you
around like your favorite puppy. And then you realize, the more you give, the more you get. The more you please others, the more life pleases you. The more you pray for others, the more blessings you receive. If you ask me, I would lay out the fundamental principle for expecting and wishing as – wish for a car, expect a Porsche but work for a Rolls Royce. And if you are not willing to put in the effort you can wish for a car, expect anything you want and end up never being happy in life. So always remember to   expect less, produce more and share even more. The rest will come your way eventually. Have a nice day…

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